Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Great Marriages Make for Great Families

At one of our Sunday services, I heard a beautiful statement that still echoes in my ears:
"Great marriages make for great families and great families make for great churches."

How true! Billy Graham's wife Ruth was once asked if they ever argued and if she ever thought of divorcing him. She said they argued many times, but she never thought about divorce. But yes, she did think once about murdering him! Honest lady, indeed.

Well, no one is perfect. Love as a feeling is transient. So when you base your affections upon the emotion of love, you are vulnerable to its opposite - hatred. But love as a virtue is perfected by Jesus Christ himself, who died for us so that we could have happy marriages; so that our relationships could be healed through faith in him. And when we learn to love our spouses like he loves his Church, we too can walk in perfect love for our spouses. This is especially true for husbands, who the Bible says, should love their wives "just as Christ also loved the Church and gave himself for it." (Eph.5:25)

Before I upload the next post, let me step back and assess if I love my wife the way Christ loves the Church!

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