About This Blog

When I created this blog, I just began writing about varied topics like sports, health care etc. Later, God impressed upon me to write about Him. And that's how my journey as a blogger began.

A few posts later, I realized what immense potential there was, to share with readers my learning about God and His Word. I decided to put my Sunday service notes to good use and create topical posts that would help people who could not attend services and also readers in general. I did not want to miss out on those who as yet do not know the Lord Jesus as Saviour. So I wrote some relevant posts and put them up. I often link to them as the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ is undoubtedly the 'best news' you could ever get (and share) in your life.

If you're a Christian, I urge you to pray that my blog would play a part in bringing many lost souls into the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ, help them renew their minds as well as do that which each of us is here in this world for - to glorify God. And if you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus as yet, I encourage you to read this post - it could change your life for the better!

God bless you!

In Christ