Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Inscribed on the Palm of God's Hands

Go to one of the tourist locations around the world and you might spot enterprising folks offering to inscribe or write your name on a grain of rice. Those who have never read (or those who have forgotten) the verse above, might be excited to have their names printed on a grain of rice by a stranger - and pay for it. Even if it is really of no consequence at all!

"See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands;" - Isaiah 49:16

God is in love with every one of us. In Hindu and Islamic marriages, a bride gets her hands and feet decorated with floral and other designs using henna. Somewhere within the design or pattern, she asks for the name of the person she loves so much to be drawn - her bridegroom's. Well, God loves us so much, that He has inscribed us on the palm of His own hands - the very hands of the Creator of the entire Universe! And not just on one hand, but on His hands - meaning both of them! O what a privilege to have our refuge in the hands of our Creator!

Dear Reader, if you don't know what I am talking about, then probably you have not read the Bible. Read the Bible - it is the inspired Word of God. It tells you how much God loves you and that He has a plan for your life much more than simply living for weekends, occasional getaways and children's convocations and marriages. Draw near to Him - after all it's He who is your first relative. He conceived your beautiful baby face in His heart before your parents saw your face in the labour room, or even conceived you! He was with you always and now He wants you to be with Him forever into eternity, starting with your life here on Earth.

Road to Eternal Life...

Don't turn right…neither turn left…but head straight for this page by clicking the link:

God bless you! And now go click the link above!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Blood of Jesus Vs. Poison of Serpent...and Jesus Wins!

"…and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin." 1 John 1:7

A European in Australia had immuned himself against the deadly Australian Tiger Snake's poison. He thought he was immune to all types of snake venoms. One day a snake with another type of poison bit him and he died the following day. Such is the tragedy of many people. Even when it comes to sin, they think they are immune from its wages (consequences). But the Word of God shall not pass away (Matthew 24:35). They who sin shall surely die…unless they cleanse themselves with the antidote to the poison - the Blood of Jesus. The life of the flesh is in the blood. And the life given by the Spirit is because of the Blood…of Jesus Christ!

Just as snake venom can change human blood so that it is no longer life-sustaining; the blood of Jesus changes a sinner to a completely new creation through the working of the Holy Spirit. It gives eternal life to the one who accepts God's plan for their salvation. Learn how